Published : 2022-09-01

Application of epoxy resins in electronics and optoelectronics. Part II. Ways of reduction of flammability of the resins used in electronic industry


Review of various methods of limitation of epoxy resins (EP), used for titled purpose, flammability is presented on the basis of wide literature data (up to 2004). Halogen containing flame-retardants have been discussed in details. The mechanisms of their actions were characterized as well as the methods of their use together with selected metal (mainly Sb) compounds. Flame-retardants based on phosphorus compounds, introduced later because of some disadvantages of halogen containing ones, were also presented. Phosphorus compounds used as EP curing agents [Formulas (I)-(VII)] as well as organic phosphorus derivatives built into EP [Formulas (XII), (XIII), (XV), (XVI), (XVIII)] were taken into consideration. Other methods of flammability limitation, among others Al(OH)3 or Mg(OH)2 used for this purpose, were presented. Toxicity of EP combustion products was discussed (Table 2).





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Mazela, W., Czub, P., & Pielichowski, J. (2022). Application of epoxy resins in electronics and optoelectronics. Part II. Ways of reduction of flammability of the resins used in electronic industry. Polimery, 50(2), 100-109. Retrieved from