Published : 2021-01-12

Problems connected with utilization of polymer composite products and waste materials Part I. Production volume, utilization of composites with carbon fibres, legislative aspects, industrial recycling


The paper presents current production volume of polymer composites reinforced with carbon or glass fibers in Europe as well as trends in the methods of their manufacture. The ways to solve the problems connected with effective recycling of carbon fiber reinforced composites, which has become a growing challenge, as well as the existing European Community regulations in this area have been discussed.




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Błędzki, A. K., Gorący, K., Urbaniak, M., & Scheibe, M. (2021). Problems connected with utilization of polymer composite products and waste materials Part I. Production volume, utilization of composites with carbon fibres, legislative aspects, industrial recycling. Polimery, 64(11-12), 777–787.