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Remove [1] Hamdy H., Regnier N., Lebot C. et al.: Applied Thermal Engineering 2009, 29, 1786.
[2] Yan C., Nakao C., Go T. et al.: Microsystem Technologies 2003, 9, 188. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00542-002-0262-y
[3] Bociąga E., Jaruga T.: Polimery 2009, 54, 342.
[4] Bociąga E., Jaruga T., Sikora R.: Polimery 2009, 54, 522.
[5] Postawa P., Kwiatkowski D.: Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering 2006, 18, 171.
[6] Zhaoa G., Wanga G., Guana Y., Lia H.: Polymers for Advanced Technologies 2011, 22, 476.
[7] Qiao H.: International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 2006, 48, 430. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2005.11.001
[8] Masse H., Arquis E., Delaunay D. et al.: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2004, 47, 2015.
[9] Pol. Pat. Appl. 408 480 (2014).
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