Published : 2022-08-26

Laser modification of polymeric materials. Part III, Laser ablation and changes of geometric structure of the surface


The basic mechanisms of laser ablation of polymeric materials were presented. Two main types of ablation were discussed: photochemical and photothermal ones, occurring commonly in actual conditions. The most important factors influencing the course of ablation and the results of the process were characterized, both these concerning irradiation acting and those concerning the material modified. The model of the process, being the base for ablation depth calculation, was described. Most important geometric structures of the surfaces modified with laser irradiation - coherent periodic or incoherent (conical or dendritic) ones - were presented. The possibilities of wide applications of laser ablation in polymeric materials treatment were noticed.





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Rytlewski, P., & Żenkiewicz, M. (2022). Laser modification of polymeric materials. Part III, Laser ablation and changes of geometric structure of the surface. Polimery, 52(9), 634–639. Retrieved from