Resistance of polyester and vinyl ester-based composites (Table 1) to low temperatures (77 K) was studied. The effect of low temperatures was followed in terms of principal mechanical properties of the composites varying on repeated thermal shocks (215 K, Table 4). Relative elongation at break of the cured resins contained in the composites was found to be related to the resistance of the composites to low temperatures. Resistant to low temperatures (77 K) are the composites based on engineering resins endowed with a tension modulus (Er) of 3200-3500 MPa and at the same time with break values higher than 3%.
Biernacki, B. (2022). Correlation of ralative elongation at break of cured resins with the resistance of resin-containing composites to low temperatures. Polimery, 45(9), 619–622.