Published : 2021-01-13

Azopolyimides – influence of chemical structure on azochromophore photo-orientation efficiency


This work is a summary of our previous investigations of polyimides containing derivatives of azobenzene or azopyridine. Here we discussed the relationship between the microstructure of azopolyimides and azochromophore photo-orientation efficiency determined in measurements of photoinduced birefringence as well as the relationship between the microstructure ofazopolyimides and their selected physical properties. The designed architecture of azopolymers allowed to trace the effect of such structural elements as the structure of the polymer main chain and chromophore, its content, location including the method of dye assembling with the polymer matrix on thermal, optical and photoinduced properties. We also discussed the possibility of the intermolecular hydrogen bonds formation in functionalized azopolyimides, which hinder isomerization of the azobenzene molecules results the photoinduced birefringence is not observed in the material. Additionally, the possibility of potential applications of azopolyimides as layers for the liquid crystal alignment was presented.





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Konieczkowska, J., Kozanecka-Szmigiel, A., Piecek, W., Węgłowski, R., & Schab-Balcerzak, E. (2021). Azopolyimides – influence of chemical structure on azochromophore photo-orientation efficiency. Polimery, 63(7-8), 481–487.