Published : 2022-09-01

Some problems of polymeric materials modification with high energy electron radiation


Some problems concerning the titled subject, including the characteristics of results of electron radiation interaction with polymers, were presented. Significance of crosslinking and degradation processes dependently on the modification purpose has been marked. Attention has been paid to dependence of radiation results on the type of material irradiated as well as to importance of polymeric blends' modification causing significant improvement of the functional properties of a material. Present trends of application of electron irradiation, used for elaboration of new methods of materials' production and their new grades' preparation, were presented. It has been stated that one of such direction can be the use of electron irradiation in modern technologies of plastic wastes' utilization.





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Żenkiewicz, M. (2022). Some problems of polymeric materials modification with high energy electron radiation. Polimery, 50(1), 4–9. Retrieved from