Published : 2022-09-19

Progress in the liquid chromatography of synthetic non-charged lipophilic macromolecules


A review with 30 refs. covering high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) as a tool to determine molecular properties (mainly M and MWD) of synthetic polymers, with particular reference to retention mechanisms (entropy-based size exclusion, and enthalpy-based adsorption, partition and phase separation). Further size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) for lipophiles (gel permeation chromatography) and biopolymers (gel filtration chromatography), coupled LC procedures (e.g., isocratic compensation approach), HPLC under "critical" (weak enthalpic interactions) conditions (LCCC), (continuous) eluent gradient polymer LC (EGPLC), LC-like approaches including the full adsorption-desorption technique, and multidimensional HPLC of complex polymers are discussed. Instrumentation (e.g., detectors), pumps, materials, and applications of analytical HPLC for polymers (evaluation of long chain branching, radius of gyration, limiting viscosity number, etc.) are also briefly reviewed.




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Berek, D. (2022). Progress in the liquid chromatography of synthetic non-charged lipophilic macromolecules. Polimery, 46(11-12), 777–784. Retrieved from