Published : 2011-06-30

Hydrorefining of the liquid products obtained in the pyrolysis of waste polyolefins. Part I. Refining of liquid products on the laboratory scale


The results of hydrorefining of the liquid products obtained in the pyrolysis of waste polyolefins have been presented. The waste polyolefin pyrolytic products were composed of 40-50 wt. % of unsaturated components (Table 1). Hydrorefining was performed over an industrial CoMo catalyst while hydrogenation was carried out in the presence of a NiCr catalyst (Table 2). The highest yields in the hydrorefining process were obtained at 300 °C under 6-8 MPa pressure (Figs. 2-4). About 80 % of the unsaturated components underwent saturation. Coke-oven gas and methanol have also been found to be possible hydrogen donors in the hydrorefining process (Fig. 6). The hydrorefined products can be applied as non-sulfuric components in engine.





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Tokarska, A. (2011). Hydrorefining of the liquid products obtained in the pyrolysis of waste polyolefins. Part I. Refining of liquid products on the laboratory scale. Polimery, 56(6), 484-488. Retrieved from