Published : 2011-08-30

Hydrorefining of the liquid products obtained in the pyrolysis of waste polyolefins. Part II, Refining of liquid fractions from industrial scale processes


This paper is the second of a two-part series focusing on the hydrorefining of waste polyolefin pyrolysis products. The fuel fractions as well as the crude products obtained in the industrial scale pyrolysis of these waste polyolefins have been subjected to the hydrorefining process and the products evaluated. The hydrorefining products were found to have undergone extensive desulfurization (90 wt. %) and contained minimal amounts of unsaturated compounds (Fig. 2—5). The fractions whose boiling points corresponded to that of diesel oil were the most difficult to undergo hydrorefining. The hydrocracking process performed over two different types of catalysts did not produce the anticipated results. The conversion of the heaviest components of the pyrolysis fractions did not exceed 25 wt. %. The hydrorefining process of the raw materials in combination with the conversion of the heavy components has also been performed in the presence of methanol.





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Tokarska, A. (2011). Hydrorefining of the liquid products obtained in the pyrolysis of waste polyolefins. Part II, Refining of liquid fractions from industrial scale processes. Polimery, 56(7-8), 585-590. Retrieved from