Published : 2022-08-30

The analysis of visibility range in smoke generated during combustion of polyester materials


The changes in visibility range in smoke generated during thermal decomposition and combustion of polyester materials (PES) in the model scheme: room-corridor (Fig. 1), during 1st stage of a fire development, were analyzed. The effects of external heat flux density and flame-retardants on the course of changes of visibility range in smoke versus time (Fig. 5-8) were investigated. Critical time of visibility reduction (Table 3) has been used as one of possible criteria of assessment of possibility of people evacuation. MoO3 or Sb2O3 were used as flame-retardants in amount of 14 wt. %. The largest average value of specific extinction area (SEAśr) of smoke was determined for PES containing 14 wt. % of Sb2O3 and lower for PES containing 14 wt. % of MoO3 and unmodified one. The calculation of visibility range reduction in the model scheme: room-corridor indicated the fastest visibility range reduction in smoke for the combustion of PES containing 14 wt. % of MoO3. Key words: visibility range in smoke, combustion of polyester materials, specific extinction area, critical times of safe evacuation.





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Konecki, M., & Półka, M. (2022). The analysis of visibility range in smoke generated during combustion of polyester materials. Polimery, 51(4), 293–300. Retrieved from