Published : 2021-08-09

Polymerization of aniline in an environment of a constant magnetic field


The influence of the constant magnetic field (CMF) on the polymerization of polyaniline was
investigated. The process was carried out on platinum plate electrodes, non-insulated and one-sided
Teflon insulated (from two different sides), with surfaces directed parallel to the CMF line of force. It
was found that the magnetic properties of the particles involved in the electrochemical polymerization
process and their charge (+/-) have a significant impact on the influence of the CMF on the course
of the process. The mechanism of the influence of CMF on the studied electrochemical reactions was
proposed, based on the formation of the magnetohydrodynamic effect (MHD), causing a change in the
rate of transport of the reacting substances towards the electrode.





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Miękoś, E., Samujło, B., Zieliński, M., & Sroczyński, D. (2021). Polymerization of aniline in an environment of a constant magnetic field. Polimery, 66(7-8), 383–388.